Forever 7 Rodeo Association Membership
Membership Fee: $65
Membership includes F7RA custom jacket & point count
Due at October Rodeo
(Subsequent immediate family members, $10 discount/child)
Award Requirements:
$200 Sponsorship (or)
$300 Raffle Ticket Sales
Read the conditions listed below before completing membership form.
As consideration for being allowed to participate and/or compete in the F7RA rodeos, I, the undersigned agree to the
(1) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RISK: The undersigned acknowledges the F7RA events are dangerous activities and that the participation in said events, as either a contestant, an employee, or volunteer, exposes the participant to a substantial and serious risk of property damage, personal injury or death. The undersigned expressly acknowledges that his/her participation will involve such a hazard.
(2) RELEASE OF SPONSORS: The undersigned, being fully aware that participation in the F7RA rodeo events will expose him/her to a substantial and serious risk of property damage, personal injury or death, hereby releases all sponsors from liability for any and all property damage, personal injuries or other claims arising from the undersigned’s participation in said events including those that are known and unknown, for seen and unforeseen, future or contingent.
(3) COVENANT NOT TO SUE: The undersigned covenants that the undersigned shall now or at any time in the future, directly or indirectly, commence or prosecute any action, suite, or other proceeding against the sponsors (or their officers, directors, employees, agents or affiliates) concerning, arising out of, or related to the actions, causes of action, claims and demands hereby waived, released or discharges by the undersigned.
(4) ASSURANCES: The undersigned has full power, authority, capacity and right without limitation to execute, deliver and perform this release.
(5) RULES: The undersigned agrees to all of the rules of F7RA.
(6) BINDING EFFECT: This release shall be biding upon the undersigned and the undersigned’s spouse, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns.
NOTE: Participants under 18 years of age must have the following signed by their parent or guardian.